From Don Pittis, CBC
well-known economic theory says that when it comes to people, you can get too
much of a good thing.
thousands of asylum seekers come across the Canadian border from
Trump’s America, there are many Canadian voices, including mainstream
Conservatives, who believe we may have reached that point.
A glance at internet comments and letters to the
editor shows that some Canadians are reacting emotionally to media reports on
the influx of new arrivals. But what about the economics?
Diminishing Returns.
In the
economic principle sometimes called the law of diminishing returns, there is a
text book example which describes an increasing number of workers coming to
help dig in a garden of limited size.
Thank you for reading.
Opinion. If anyone had ever asked,
we would have said that something like 280,000 to 300,000 people
immigrate to Canada each year. It is also true that the country could
probably absorb 500,000 immigrants each year without major social
disruption. It is also our opinion that immigration is a good thing for
all of the reasons stated in the story above.
Image Credit. Above: Sikh New Year, by Joel Friesen - originally posted to Flickr as Sikhs on the move!, CC BY 2.0,