Tuesday 4 April 2017

Tapping Into Your True Potential.

Jan, Raymond, Shirley.

It’s the right time to tap into your own true potential.

That would be the message of Raymond Aaron.

Shirley D. Neal and Janice Discepolo, founders of Go Wit Ventures, were thrilled to be at the Monthly Mentor University weekend at the Congress Centre in Toronto.

“Raymond Aaron is terrific!” says Jan. “It was a great seminar.”

“I’m all about goal-setting,” said Shirley. “It really resonates. The best thing you can do to brand yourself is to write a book, a how-to book.”

Raymond Aaron’s book might be described as all about setting—and achieving, personal and financial goals.

Raymond Aaron, the nation’s number #1 success and investment coach, has committed his life to teaching people how to utilize his powerful goal-setting strategies and life management tools to dramatically change their lives for the better.

“If there’s something you want to do, the best thing you can do for yourself is to get a mentor—preferably more than one. Even if you have no money and can’t afford to pay.” Raymond got this sage advice when he was down and out, sitting on a park bench and going nowhere good when a stranger came along and sat down beside him.

After many failures, he literally borrowed money from his mother for one more start, convinced that he had the winning combination.

Since then, he’s never looked back.

It was the turning point of his life and he has worked very hard to bring this message to other people.

Using his own innovative techniques developed over the last two decades, he shows people how to, step-by-step, take conscious control of their world so they can double, triple, or even quadruple their income, doing whatever it is that they really love to do.

Raymond has spent many years developing, refining, and testing the techniques that he teaches so you don’t have to struggle to get what you want in life. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel. You just have to be able to follow a little guidance.

He is absolutely committed to helping you achieve what you want in this lifetime—just as he has helped hundreds of thousands of others around the world achieve their dreams. Raymond credits his success to the collected wisdom he has received from his mentors and his own life-tested techniques. Techniques that can help you create the most joyful, abundant life you can imagine. Techniques, incidentally, that he himself applies every single day. His specialties include: mentor, coach, goal-setting, effective goal-setting, goal-setting strategies, business goal-setting, personal goal-setting, smart goal-setting, performance goal-setting, and goal-setting worksheets.

Janice was impressed.

"In spite of being busy enough at the best of times, this is something worth doing."

Shirley was in total agreement.

"This is going to have a big impact on my life, and on my family's future."

Thank you for reading.

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